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William Penn Statue Penn is shown performing the ritual of "livery of seisin" or twig and turf, 1682 after his trans-Atlantic journeyThe Arsenal - Built in 1809, in anticipation of the War of 1812.John Lewden House - Christiana DE - b.1707Kalmar Nyckel - the Tall Ship of DelawareChristiana River - Christiana DEPenn Farm.  This 112 acre farm is the last surviving farm of the 1,068 acre New Castle Common.Delaware Memorial BridgeBellanca Airfield - The site of the former Bellanca Aircraft Corporation factory (1928–1960).New Castle Opera House b1879Old New Castle Court House, opposite Gilpin House on Delaware St. Original colonial capitol; first state house of DelawareRising Sun Tavern, New Castle, DE built 1796Christiana RiverCHRISTIANA RIVERCHRISTIANA RIVERCHRISTIANA RIVERCHRISTIANA RIVER